Spiritual Journeys
Spiritual Journeys
By Howard F. Batie
Although this book is intended to be read by everyone, the primary objective of the Spiritual Journeys Program is to provide a very practical and proven methodology for trained Hypnotherapists to significantly accelerate the spiritual development of their clients, and to then guide their clients to vividly experience and explore in detail their own personal spiritual and soul-level experiences. A secondary objective is to provide specific real-world examples of the type of spiritual information you can learn about yourself as a client if you decide to begin your own Spiritual Journeys sessions.
This book provides a general description of the steps to be taken in providing each Journey to each client, as well as extracts from actual sessions from my own clients and students; however, it does not supply a complete step-by-step script for guiding them through that Journey. It provides a suggested process of what the Hypnotist should do and many clear examples of what you will learn as a client, but it does not provide the specific details of how to provide a Spiritual Journeys session to others. It is not a “do-it-yourself program” for those not trained in hypnotic techniques.
The Spiritual Journeys Program always begins with three Journeys foundational and necessary individual session that will support the processes of all subsequent Journeys. In these three initial sessions, you will learn to establish a conscious two-way conversational dialog with your own Higher Self and with your personal Spirit Guide. Once this basic foundation has been established, you are well-prepared to begin safely exploring the higher dimensional spiritual realms in one or more of three optional paths of investigation. Journeys 4-6 focus on stepping into your own Mastery as an adept Spiritual Healing Facilitator by enlisting the active assistance of the Angelic Kingdom, Journeys 7-10 focus on exploring your own previous experiences as a purely spiritual consciousness, and Journeys 11-16 focus on researching and learning about nearly any topic you wish to know more about by gaining access to and ‘reading’ the Universal Akashic Records.
You may find that this book ignites a deep curiosity and yearning to learn more about your own true spiritual nature. If so, and you are a Certified Hypnotherapist, this book will provide an excellent overview of the objectives and general procedures for providing each Spiritual Journeys session to your clients. Details of how to become a Spiritual Journeys Practitioner are on my website; go to www.howardbatie.com and view the Spiritual Journeys page. If you are not a Hypnotherapist, take this entire book to a properly trained Certified Hypnotherapist and ask them to become a Spiritual Journeys Practitioners so they can guide you into your own conscious knowledge of who and what you are as a spiritual being. To view a list of qualified and trained Spiritual Journeys Teachers, go to www.spiritualjourneying.org or to www.howardbatie.com and view the Spiritual Journeys page. I invite the reader to seek out the nearest trained Spiritual Journeys Practitioner and begin your own Spiritual Journeys!
To purchase Spiritual Journeys, please visit this book's Amazon.com listing by clicking here: Spiritual Journeys: A Practical Methodology For Accelerated Spiritual Development And Experiential Exploration
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L/L Research does not inventory, vend, or ship Spiritual Journeys. Any purchase, shipping, or return/refund issues must be resolved by through Amazon.com directly.
Although this book is intended to be read by everyone, the primary objective of the Spiritual Journeys Program is to provide a very practical and proven methodology for trained Hypnotherapists to significantly accelerate the spiritual development of their clients, and to then guide their clients to vividly experience and explore in detail their own personal spiritual and soul-level experiences. A secondary objective is to provide specific real-world examples of the type of spiritual information you can learn about yourself as a client if you decide to begin your own Spiritual Journeys sessions.
This book provides a general description of the steps to be taken in providing each Journey to each client, as well as extracts from actual sessions from my own clients and students; however, it does not supply a complete step-by-step script for guiding them through that Journey. It provides a suggested process of what the Hypnotist should do and many clear examples of what you will learn as a client, but it does not provide the specific details of how to provide a Spiritual Journeys session to others. It is not a “do-it-yourself program” for those not trained in hypnotic techniques.
The Spiritual Journeys Program always begins with three Journeys foundational and necessary individual session that will support the processes of all subsequent Journeys. In these three initial sessions, you will learn to establish a conscious two-way conversational dialog with your own Higher Self and with your personal Spirit Guide. Once this basic foundation has been established, you are well-prepared to begin safely exploring the higher dimensional spiritual realms in one or more of three optional paths of investigation. Journeys 4-6 focus on stepping into your own Mastery as an adept Spiritual Healing Facilitator by enlisting the active assistance of the Angelic Kingdom, Journeys 7-10 focus on exploring your own previous experiences as a purely spiritual consciousness, and Journeys 11-16 focus on researching and learning about nearly any topic you wish to know more about by gaining access to and ‘reading’ the Universal Akashic Records.
You may find that this book ignites a deep curiosity and yearning to learn more about your own true spiritual nature. If so, and you are a Certified Hypnotherapist, this book will provide an excellent overview of the objectives and general procedures for providing each Spiritual Journeys session to your clients. Details of how to become a Spiritual Journeys Practitioner are on my website; go to www.howardbatie.com and view the Spiritual Journeys page. If you are not a Hypnotherapist, take this entire book to a properly trained Certified Hypnotherapist and ask them to become a Spiritual Journeys Practitioners so they can guide you into your own conscious knowledge of who and what you are as a spiritual being. To view a list of qualified and trained Spiritual Journeys Teachers, go to www.spiritualjourneying.org or to www.howardbatie.com and view the Spiritual Journeys page. I invite the reader to seek out the nearest trained Spiritual Journeys Practitioner and begin your own Spiritual Journeys!
To purchase Spiritual Journeys, please visit this book's Amazon.com listing by clicking here: Spiritual Journeys: A Practical Methodology For Accelerated Spiritual Development And Experiential Exploration
The Bring4th store and the Amazon Store are two completely different and independent web sites. Your activity on this web site is not affected by your activity on Amazon.com, and vice versa.
L/L Research does not inventory, vend, or ship Spiritual Journeys. Any purchase, shipping, or return/refund issues must be resolved by through Amazon.com directly.